Kingston Hospital is committed to building a new intensive care unit, transforming the quality of the environment for patients, their families and staff working in the unit.
The current critical care unit, built in the 1970s provides a challenging environment. Staffing models are inhibited due to the number of single rooms and restricted lines of site, whilst daylight is compromised for many of the existing beds and as a result the means of providing a 24-hour rhythm for patients during their stay, which is known to aid recovery, is not available. Space for adequate equipment to treat and assist in rehabilitation is also lacking, restricting the ability to provide patients with the opportunity to sit out and mobilise prior to transferring to an inpatient ward.
Once the new unit gets the go ahead, charitable support will be needed to help ensure the new facility is fully equipped when it opens, while providing an exceptional care environment for the patients who require critical care, for those family and friends who can spend long periods in the unit, and for the staff who are committed to deliver intensive therapy and rehabilitation in a compassionate and efficient manner.