Six-year-old Dhillon Manku, who aimed to raise £21,000 for a new incubator at Kingston Hospital’s neonatal unit reached his target in May 2020, taking only 18 months. In August, he visited Kingston Hospital to present his cheque to Born Too Soon, Kingston Hospital Charity’s neo-natal unit fund.
Dhillon who was born prematurely at Kingston Hospital in 2013 was cared for by its neonatal unit. When Dhillon was old enough to understand that he himself was born prematurely he decided he wanted to buy an incubator to look after babies just like himself. His fundraising efforts included a sponsored swim, a coffee morning at his local Starbucks, a golf day and a sponsored bounce. Dhillon also took part in the Richmond Runfest. The last £5,000 needed was donated by the Kamani family who are the founders of ‘Pretty Little Thing’ and ‘Boohoo’, after Dhillon put a video pitch together and shared it with them over Instagram.