We have three pre-paid places for keen runners who care about Kingston Hospital take on 26.2 miles around one of Britain’s most beautiful cities, and all beside the seaside! Join the team for the Brighton Marathon and play your part in fundraising for your local hospital, helping make it the best it can be.

The Brighton Marathon course runs along the iconic Brighton seafront, so you’re guaranteed a picturesque sea view and an amazing atmosphere. Book your place now and experience why this is one of the most popular marathons out there.

Email Rupert on khft.charity@nhs.net to claim your place NOW!

How we’ll support you and what you’ll get:

  • Your own Kingston Hospital Charity running vest
  • Fundraising Pack which includes sponsorship forms, helpful training and fundraising advice
  • Dedicated support from our fundraising team.

For further questions, please contact Rupert on khft.charity@nhs.net / 020 8973 5041.